
Las regiones de VivoSim son un excelente lugar para pasar el rato y aprender el sistema 'VivoSim'. La 'vida virtual' de VivoSim es una evolución del sistema 'Satyr Farm' con muchas formas de disfrutar de su vida virtual en los mundos de OpenSim. ¡Puede vincular fácilmente su avatar desde cualquier cuadrícula después de registrarse para que pueda comenzar a disfrutar de la diversión de la vida virtual real!

Thanks so much for the info! yes, the makers were fine after I got rid of the product that was sitting out. I tried adding what I could into the HUD, but not sure it made much difference on the "waste". TY for the fix!!


Yes, rezzed items often break after a restart.  I'm working on adding a message to let you know if the item is broken (and also on a way to stop it happening if possible!)


You can edit the config notecard as follows:



Color is the vector colour (info at wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Category:LSL_Color )
Bright is an integer between 1 and 10


In the storage units the floating text is orange and I am having a hard time see the text in this color how can I change to green?


I get this sometimes after a region restart with soap. loo rolls... half used food. drinks etc. I ve just had to throw the item away and rez a new one. Resetting the "maker" doesnt seem to work for me. Seems a bit random. I


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Admin Cartabria
Admin Cartabria changed Das Kaiserreich Cartabria avatar 09:17, 28 Junio 2024

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Total_Regions: 15

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Website: https://vivosim.net

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hg.vivosim.net:8002:Sandy Island

hg.vivosim.net:8002:Julian Beach

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