Pregunta light switches

  • Elke Craig
  • Autor del tema
  • Gracias recibidas: 7

light switches Publicado por Elke Craig

Posted 01 Oct 2020 21:18 #944
hello i have noticed that the sensor on all of the light switches done work and the new light switched in the updates dont have and on/off option at all. Am i doing something wring with the sensor settings? One other thing i wanted to ask is there is a fish feeder but where are the fish in the animal rezzer i didnt see any.
Last Edit:02 Oct 2020 05:03 por Elke Craig
Última Edición: 02 Oct 2020 05:03 por Elke Craig.

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  • Admin
  • Gracias recibidas: 258

Respuesta de Admin sobre el tema light switches

Posted 03 Oct 2020 11:50 #969
The sensor in the light switch when active only turns the light off about 10 minutes after seeing no one is around. It is not designed to turn light on.

If they are missing ON or OFF that could mean they are set to be in 'auto' mode (so the menu will show the option manual) - auto mode makes the light turn on at night and off during the day. If that is not the case and they are not showing 0% for energy, it may be resting the script will get it back on sync.

For the fish feeder, there are not any fish animals yet but other animals like the dolphins do eat from that feeder.
por Admin
El siguiente usuario dijo gracias: Elke Craig

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