Pregunta new chicken coup

  • jasmine reid
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Respuesta de jasmine reid sobre el tema new chicken coup

Posted 22 Jul 2023 03:30 #2613
i seem to be having a different problem than the food auto food and water works well but i keep getting message "chicken coop: help!" i have tried adding different foods nearby then sometimes it comes up with looking for storage rack well i thought ahah got it but no put it smack dab in the middle of every storage thing i can find and still getting it does anyone have any ideas please its driving us crazy
por jasmine reid

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  • April McKenna
  • Gracias recibidas: 3

Respuesta de April McKenna sobre el tema new chicken coup

Posted 24 Jul 2023 01:31 #2614
Sometimes they are yelling for help as they want you to come and collect eggs lol
por April McKenna

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  • Buzzy Cnayl
  • Gracias recibidas: 47

Respuesta de Buzzy Cnayl sobre el tema new chicken coup

Posted 24 Jul 2023 13:39 #2616
It's best to open the notecard called config and check what it's set for in terms of the following settings:

# Short name of product to accept as food
# Full name of storage location to take FOODITEM from
# Short name of the product to accept as water
# Full name of the water tower to use if AUTOWATER is on

You need to make sure that the 'FOODTOWER' item is within range and it has enough of the 'FOODITEM' product.  Same for water.
Last Edit:24 Jul 2023 13:40 por Buzzy Cnayl
Última Edición: 24 Jul 2023 13:40 por Buzzy Cnayl.

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  • jasmine reid
  • Gracias recibidas: 0

Respuesta de jasmine reid sobre el tema new chicken coup

Posted 25 Jul 2023 03:16 #2617
yep tried all that sat it right near the grain storage ones right near a well on one side tower on the other then tried it with every storage thing i could find around it
por jasmine reid

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  • Buzzy Cnayl
  • Gracias recibidas: 47

Respuesta de Buzzy Cnayl sobre el tema new chicken coup

Posted 26 Jul 2023 08:01 #2619
Very odd, it should only be saying that if low on food or water. If you stand next to it so you can hear anything it says, try turning on auto-food and then auto-water. With the current version, after a few seconds if it can't connect it will let you know (and turn off the relevant auto item)
por Buzzy Cnayl

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  • Keltic Shaunsey
  • Gracias recibidas: 0

Respuesta de Keltic Shaunsey sobre el tema new chicken coup

Posted 27 Jul 2023 05:37 #2624
set it up to auto water and auto feed turned them off and on one by one and still nothing just the only thing i get now and then is it is looking for storage rack have put every type of storage thing within 10 metres and still have the same problem
por Keltic Shaunsey

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