Pregunta Farming currency poll

Encuesta: Poll

Just points
2 50%
Points & Farm money
2 50%
Número total de votantes: 4
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  • Admin
  • Autor del tema
  • Gracias recibidas: 259

Farming currency poll Publicado por Admin

Posted 13 Jul 2020 17:59 #493
I'm wondering what people think of the current Quinto/Points system. Is it okay or would you prefer to have a 'farming' currency for buying and selling goods and then get something like experience points for farming type tasks etc?
por Admin
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  • Hope Fading
  • Gracias recibidas: 9

Respuesta de Hope Fading sobre el tema Farming currency poll

Posted 13 Jul 2020 22:03 #494
this is a question I probably cant answer
point system is good, a person like to see themselves getting points and raising in the farming community.
dollar system, some may like it, I would not use it
I dont even get excited over the point system
I do log into this page each day to see what is going on....
I try to keep up ;)
so I have no preference
Last Edit:13 Jul 2020 22:04 por Hope Fading
Última Edición: 13 Jul 2020 22:04 por Hope Fading.
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  • Louis Quatorze
  • Gracias recibidas: 30

Respuesta de Louis Quatorze sobre el tema Farming currency poll

Posted 14 Jul 2020 07:41 #495
Hello Cnayl!
This system is fine!
Maybe if its possible introduce market prices based on sales with a floor price?
por Louis Quatorze
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  • Admin
  • Autor del tema
  • Gracias recibidas: 259

Respuesta de Admin sobre el tema Farming currency poll

Posted 14 Jul 2020 08:02 #496
I have been thinking if it's possible to have a system where prices go up and down in respond to the market availability (supply & demand) which I think is what you are saying [Louis]

Just to add a bit more - the 'farming currency' would work just like the current points i.e. via HUD and Exchange and wouldn't be a 'proper' opensim currency like Gloebit etc. I'm really gauging if a need for this so I can work out if it needs time allocating to it or not.
por Admin
El siguiente usuario dijo gracias: Louis Quatorze
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  • Louis Quatorze
  • Gracias recibidas: 30

Respuesta de Louis Quatorze sobre el tema Farming currency poll

Posted 14 Jul 2020 08:23 #497
Yes Cnayl
is that I think
And Gloebit give me urticaria!!!!!!
I like Quintos and we have a lot of fun with! And we produce to eat and sell!
por Louis Quatorze
El siguiente usuario dijo gracias: Admin
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  • Brinley Taliesin
  • Gracias recibidas: 30

Respuesta de Brinley Taliesin sobre el tema Farming currency poll

Posted 15 Jul 2020 16:54 #510
We're not really interested in the whole point system, as I mentioned before it's so easy for people to cheat on it, and we aren't really into buying and selling either. Whatever we need, we grow and make :) Maybe some type of experience based system would be interesting, where you gain XP by farming doing chores cooking etc, and gain levels. Maybe some kind of fun yet simple level rewards like a golden cow or jolly green giant statue or a 10-pack of steak and eggs or some cooked food items. In the SL DFS farming system levels were gained by this method, but the rewards weren't really worth it; like a better chance of catching rare fishing items, or a double harvest.
por Brinley Taliesin
El siguiente usuario dijo gracias: Emma Rose, Hope Fading, Madame Maintenon
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