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Frage Animal (an_config)

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Animal (an_config) wurde erstellt von Admin

Posted 07 Sep. 2020 18:33 #624
###################################################################################### # CONFIGURATION VALUES FOR AN_CONFIG NOTECARD # # Note all items are optional. The default values here are used for any not # # included in the actual an_config notecard so you only really need to include # # any you wish to change. # # The configuration given here is valid for animal script version 5.5 and above # ###################################################################################### # Default language to use on menus LANG=en-GB # # The name given to new animals such as Cow, Sheep etc NAME=Animal # # Word used by animal when 'speaking' CRY=Ah # # Where the animal gets its food from FEEDER=SF Animal Feeder # # How far (in m) the animal will wander from its home position RADIUS=10 # # What surface the animal follows. Can be flat, ground or water SURFACE=flat # # If set to 0 during the day the animal will just play sounds but won't speak (I'm thirsty etc) and during the night it won't make any sounds at all. CHATTY=1 # # If set to 1, animal won't move, although the menu allows you to start it moving again IMMOBILE=0 # # How often (in seconds) animals need to feed (5900 is approx 1.64 hours) FEEDTIME=5900 # # What percent should the animal take each feed FEEDAMOUNT=1.0 # # How often (in seconds) animals need to drink (5000 is approx 1.4 hours) WATERTIME=5000.0 # # What percent should the animal take each drink WATERAMOUNT=1.0 # # 1 if reproduces by egg, otherwise 0 means animal gets pregnant LAYS_EGG=0 # # For animals that get pregnant, how long (in seconds) pregnancy lasts (432000s is 5 days) PREGNANT_TIME=432000 # # For eggs, how long until hatching (seconds) EGG_TIME=86400 # # For animals that lay eggs, how often (in seconds) after laying an egg before the animal can be mated again (86400 is 24 hours) MATE_INTERVAL=86400 # # Does adult female give a product linked with giving birth/laying an egg. Set to 1 if true, otherwise set to 0 HASMILK=0 # # If above is set to 1, time in seconds between giving each 'milk' product. First product is given straight after giving birth/laying an egg (86400=24 hours) MILKTIME=86400 # # Name of item to give as 'milk' object (must be in the animals inventory) MILK_OBJECT=SF Milk # # Set to 1 if adult animals give wool product (wool, feathers etc) HASWOOL=0 # # If above is set to 1, time in seconds between giving each 'wool' product. (345600 is 4 days) WOOLTIME=345600 # # Product to give as 'wool' item (must be in the animals inventory) WOOL_OBJECT=SF Wool # # Set to 1 if adult animals give manure product, 0 otherwise HASMANURE=0 # # If above is set to 1, time in seconds between giving each 'manure' product. (172800 is 48 hours) # NOTE: before version 5.1 it is fixed at every 48 hours MANURETIME=172800 # # Product to give as 'manure' item (must be in the animals inventory) # NOTE: before version 5.1 it is fixed at SF Manure MANURE_OBJECT=SF Manure # # If 1, animal will rez poo when ready, if 0 then farmer needs to collect it (version 5.1 onwards) AN_AUTO_POO=0 # # Set to 1 to have animal sleep at night (i.e. stay in down position and no sounds or chat) Can also be changed via options menu SLEEP_MODE=0 # # Average life expectancy in days LIFEDAYS=30 # # Product to give as 'skin' item when animal dies (must be in the animals inventory) # If nothing to be given use SKIN_OBJECT= SKIN_OBJECT=SF Skin # # Product to give as 'meat' item when animal dies (must be in the animals inventory) # If nothing to be given use MEAT_OBJECT= MEAT_OBJECT=SF Meat # # Set to 1 to use genetics (animals have multiple body textures named goat, goat12, goat2 etc) or 0 otherwise HASGENES=0 # # If set to 1, allows you to specify different textures for each prim in the SKINABLE_PRIMS section (see MULTI_SKIN=0 # # which prims use the 'goat' textures if above is 1 e.g. SKINABLE_PRIMS=2,3 SKINABLE_PRIMS=1 # # Which prims to show only for child animal e.g. CHILD_PRIMS=4 CHILD_PRIMS= # # Which prims to show only for adult male e.g ADULT_MALE_PRIMS=1,7,8 ADULT_MALE_PRIMS= # # Which prims to show only for adult female ADULT_FEMALE_PRIMS= # # Which prims to randomly show for adults ADULT_RANDOM_PRIMS= # # How much of life to spend as child LIFEDAYS x CHILDHOOD_RATIO CHILDHOOD_RATIO=0.15 # # Initial scale as child CHILD_SCALE=0.5 # # Don't let the child grow beyond this scale CHILD_MAX_SCALE=1.0 # # To make male animals bigger on average than females use numbers >1.0, or use numbers <1.0 for larger females MALE_SCALE=1.05; # # To make female animals bigger on average than males use numbers >1.0, or use numbers <1.0 for larger males FEMALE_SCALE=1.00; # # How much to move animal in x direction for each step STEP_SIZE=0.4 # # Total number of adult sounds (adult1, adult2 etc) TOTAL_ADULTSOUNDS=4 # # Total number of baby sounds (baby1, baby2 etc) TOTAL_BABYSOUNDS=2 # # Set to 1 to only allow owner to select 'Butcher', 'Mate' and 'Follow' options or 0 for anyone in same group to have full access RESTRICT_ACCESS=0 # # Prefix for products in this farm PREFIX=SF # # Set to 1 for 'human animals' such as baby HUMAN=0 ' # Set to 0 to have another script handle touch TOUCH_ACTIVE=1 ######## NOT YET IMPLEMENTED ######## SERVER_SAVE=0 FLOAT_PRIM=1
Last Edit:10 Okt. 2022 10:56 von Admin
Letzte Änderung: 10 Okt. 2022 10:56 von Buzzy Cnayl.
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  • Brinley Taliesin
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Brinley Taliesin antwortete auf Master an-config notecard

Posted 09 Sep. 2020 03:24 #634
I just want to make sure I understand how to use this. This is used/placed in each specific animal species from what I see? Can this be used with the VERSION = 5.0; /|/ 21 June 2020 "animal" script? Is that the current animal script version? Let's say I just want to change feed/water times and/or amounts, can I just add those lines in the current an_config of each species (the "base" animal object inside the animal rezzer/hud). If I then wanted to update the animals I already have, would it use the new animal base object I place in the animal rezzer (by setting config version to -1 to force update).
That's all I think for now :D
von Brinley Taliesin

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Admin antwortete auf Master an-config notecard

Posted 09 Sep. 2020 08:28 #635
Yes every animal type has it's own version of the an_config notecard. You can use the information here for all versions of animals but anything not supported by that particular version will just be ignored. I've added in the settings for the version I'm working on as I plan to put it out as beta soon.

The an_config notecard is an 'override' and all the values listed here are the default values, so you only need put in the notecard the ones that you wish to have a different value to the defaults for that particular animal. The animal rezzer/updater only sends updated scripts and language files (that's way you needed to replace animals when going from the Q1 to Q2 edition), so the only way to update the an-config notecard is by changing it in each living animal. You can of course take an animal out of the rezzers inventory, update the notecard and put the updated animal back in the rezzer so then all new animals you rez out will have that updated notecard.
von Admin

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  • Brinley Taliesin
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Brinley Taliesin antwortete auf Master an_config notecard

Posted 09 Sep. 2020 12:47 #636
OK that made sense :D For existing animals, what about when they mate and have a baby? Will the baby have the changed an_config as well? Or does the SF animal copy inside them also need to be replaced?
von Brinley Taliesin

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Admin antwortete auf Master an_config notecard

Posted 09 Sep. 2020 12:58 #637
When an animal gives birth it just rezzes a copy of the one inside it then passes the options you have set from the menu (walk on ground, float text etc) but doesn't pass the an_config notecard, so yes, if you go the updating route you will need to update both the an-config an the actual animal and also the one it carries.
von Admin
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Brinley Taliesin

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  • Brinley Taliesin
  • Dank erhalten: 30

Brinley Taliesin antwortete auf Master an_config notecard

Posted 09 Sep. 2020 13:21 #638
Semi-related question: When I updated the animals last week with the latest Product script using the animal/rezzer hud, the adult females lost their "have given birth" status and the ability to give milk, so they had be mated again and then need to wait another 5 days for birth and milk. I know how to "age up" animals via the description, but is there a setting in there to give back the "have given birth" status?
A;1;70;45;1598381719;-14672052;1;2;2;1599502034;Cow Fit Cow Cow;50;3;ground;0;en-GB
von Brinley Taliesin

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