Frage Electricity

  • Mia De Pascuale
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Electricity wurde erstellt von Mia De Pascuale

Posted 26 Jan. 2024 05:27 #2702
The streetlights do they automatically connect to your grid or is there an extra step you need to take?
von Mia De Pascuale

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  • Buzzy Cnayl
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Buzzy Cnayl antwortete auf Electricity

Posted 26 Jan. 2024 12:12 #2704
You just need to check in the config notecard. Set as below to have them connect to the region grid.
# Set to 1 to auto-connect to region power grid
# Can be  Electric  or  Gas
von Buzzy Cnayl

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  • Mia De Pascuale
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Mia De Pascuale antwortete auf Electricity

Posted 26 Jan. 2024 12:14 #2705
Hi the conf card didnt have that, I tried adding it and still not working.  This is what the conf card has now after I added ;\
Set to 0 for no float text
# Can be  Electric  or  Gas
# What fuel object to accept if not connected to power grid
# Set to 1 to auto-connect to region power grid
#Set to 1 for automatic mode where light comes on at night and off during day, 0 for manual mode
# Default language
# Optional light settings
#    Radius: Specifies how far the light travels, in meters. The maximum is 20 m
#    Falloff:  Sets how quickly the light's Intensity fades as it travels to its outer Radius. Lower values are more gradual. Range is 0.01 to 2.0
# Brightness of light from 1 (minimum) to 10 (maximum)
# Colour of the light
COLOR= <1.000, 1.000, 0.800>
Last Edit:26 Jan. 2024 12:17 von Mia De Pascuale
Letzte Änderung: 26 Jan. 2024 12:17 von Mia De Pascuale. Begründung: Need to add words

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  • Buzzy Cnayl
  • Dank erhalten: 47

Buzzy Cnayl antwortete auf Electricity

Posted 26 Jan. 2024 13:01 #2706
If it was set like that then it should be able to connect to your grid. Do make sure that the group the light is set to matches the group the electricity controller is.

Also I have found sometimes you need to click on the light and select Disconnect, then click again and reconnect it.
von Buzzy Cnayl

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