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Frage Global animal setter needed.

  • Marlon Wulluf
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Global animal setter needed. wurde erstellt von Marlon Wulluf

Posted 12 Feb. 2022 13:30 #1795
It would nice to have a global animal setter, here's one example/scenario that the setter would be useful.

A few animals, that incubate from eggs, sy, chickens, the range and home can not be set until after the eggs have hatched, so if someone rezzed say, 10 eggs,, then the default range of 10m is used, so when the eggs have hatched the chicks wonder around a 10m perimeter, but what if someone built a pen that is 8m square, and wanted the chicks to be within 5m, the person would have to wait until the eggs have hatched, then 'edit' and drag each chick to the center of the pen, and if fastest enough can set the home and range before the chick starts moving again, the same goes for when the chickens mate and they lay eggs, the home position would be wherever the egg is laid, and 10m from that would mean the chick would wonder way outside the pen, so again the 'farmer' would have to edit and drag the chick to the center of the pen, and hopefully before the chick moves again, to quickly set home and range.

If a global setter was used, then a box could be rezzed, then when clicked, would scan 20m, and also detect where the feeder is, then a menu would pop giving options to first set home to either the feeder, or as is, then another menu to choose range, then after home and range is set, it sets all the chickens and chicks at the same time, or, instead of a setter, a homing beacon could be used so that when it's rezzed, you choose form a list of close scanned animals, and set their range from the beacon, then once running any egg that gets hatched or baby animal that get birthed would automatically have their home and range set to the beacon.

A pen of 8m square has its center at 4m, a beacon placed at the center and touched would show a list of closely scanned animals (20m), and offer an option to set their range, then the beacon would auto set all the chosen animals in that range, home position to the beacon and also set their ranges too, then when an egg or baby is born the beacon once set for the existing animals would also send its home position and range to the chick/baby.

I currently have 1 rooster and 3 chickens, each chicken had an egg, but the eggs were laid close to the 5m perimeter, then when the chicks hatched, the were way outside the penned in area, actually in another parcel.
von Marlon Wulluf

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  • Admin
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Admin antwortete auf Global animal setter needed.

Posted 12 Feb. 2022 14:55 #1796
Ah, you read my mind! I'm just tweaking the animal rezzer such that you can set overrides for things like range, the surface they walk on etc. It will also allow you to rez animals in the 'Pet' state as well.  Coming soon as they say :-) 
von Admin

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