Frage Cotton and hemp

  • Chelsea Himmel
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  • Dank erhalten: 2

Cotton and hemp wurde erstellt von Chelsea Himmel

Posted 26 Sep. 2023 18:55 #2629
Ok I am growing cotton and hemp but can not find how to use them beside selling them. Have I missed an item to make somrthing with them?
von Chelsea Himmel

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  • Buzzy Cnayl
  • Dank erhalten: 51

Buzzy Cnayl antwortete auf Cotton and hemp

Posted 03 Okt. 2023 12:51 #2632
Not at the moment. The idea is that I will add stuff to make around things like clothing with them.

I'm just starting to go through all the products (there are a lot now!) and will make a note of what makes what and what could do with things!
von Buzzy Cnayl
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: IndigoQueen King

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