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Frage Issue with new Animal

  • Louis Quatorze
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  • Dank erhalten: 30

Issue with new Animal wurde erstellt von Louis Quatorze

Posted 06 Sep. 2020 16:05 #602
So we try to create new animal But I am newbie!
I import animal mesh 3D convert in collada and transfert to Griid
When I link prim of scripts to Animal, some seconds after it was deformed!
Sure I do something wrong but what? Animal destination is a fish 1 prim and take scripts from dolphin because like fish destination same number prims and no parts animated
von Louis Quatorze

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  • Admin
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Admin antwortete auf Issue with new Animal

Posted 06 Sep. 2020 17:04 #604
I've been wondering about running sessions on making animals as it's a bit tricky unless you know the magic :silly:

For a 1 prim animal it's not to difficult. There is a script you add that will set things up for you. The script also contains instructions at the start. Give it a go and if you get stuck let me know!
Last Edit:30 Jan. 2021 12:00 von Admin
Letzte Änderung: 30 Jan. 2021 12:00 von Admin.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Louis Quatorze

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  • Louis Quatorze
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Louis Quatorze antwortete auf Issue with new Animal

Posted 06 Sep. 2020 17:53 #606
Thanks a lot Cnayl!
Will Help a lor We have some ideas......
Will see!

von Louis Quatorze

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  • Admin
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Admin antwortete auf Issue with new Animal

Posted 06 Sep. 2020 17:56 #607
I'm going to be making a few new animals soon so will aim to make a sort of video or something as a guide to help people :)
von Admin
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Shadows Myst, Louis Quatorze

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  • Hope Fading
  • Dank erhalten: 9

Hope Fading antwortete auf Issue with new Animal

Posted 06 Sep. 2020 20:00 #608
Cnaly could you post the URL again. thanks
von Hope Fading

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  • Admin
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Admin antwortete auf Issue with new Animal

Posted 06 Sep. 2020 20:02 #609
von Admin
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Hope Fading

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