SatyrFarm, Quintonia & VivoSim

What is Satyr Farm, Quintonia and VivoSim?

Satyr Farm is an open source farm system for OpenSimulator. It contains fully functional plants, breedable animals, tools and food processing items and is easily expandable.  See

This system has been extended and developed, by Buzzy Cnayl and was initially offered under the name 'Quintonia'. The system continued to grow, up to the point that it evolved into something that although it still had the Satyr Farm system at it's core, it became less of a 'farm system' and more of a virtual life simulation. To reflect this, it changed its name to  'VivoSim'.   The name being inspired by 'vivo/vivos'  that have meanings around life/living/alive and  'sim' for OpenSim/simulation.

Where can I Get It?

The current release version can be found at the Mintor store. There are also more themed items at the Lugo market.   Map location

How do I Set up the basics?

Easy! You can pick up the 'starter kit' which has all you need to get started. There is a walkthrough guide on this website that also then covers all the ways you can expand the system to include the many features now available!

As a general rule, we suggest that you start small, so you can learn the basics. That said, there is no right or wrong way to 'play'.

Why don't the NPC items work in my region?

The Farmer requires you to set up the ossl settings on your simulator. See User guide, Chapter 2

Is it in Second Life, too?

VivoSim & SatyrFarm are only available in OpenSim. They make heavy use of the 'OSSL' functions that are not available in SL. In addition, it is licensed for non-commercial use only, so it is unlikely to appear in SL.

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