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Pregunta Experience points

  • Mia De Pascuale
  • Autor del tema
  • Gracias recibidas: 0

Experience points Publicado por Mia De Pascuale

Posted 14 Dic 2023 19:03 #2690
The experience points are going up but when it levels up it stays at the same level and the bar that marks progress just starts from zero again.  Is anyone having the same issue.  It's happened like 3 times on a row for me.  
por Mia De Pascuale

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  • Buzzy Cnayl
  • Gracias recibidas: 47

Respuesta de Buzzy Cnayl sobre el tema Experience points

Posted 15 Dic 2023 13:24 #2691
Once you get past the starting level of 'Chickling' and move to 'Starter' (at 50 XP) it changes so that when the low bar reaches maximum, the upper bar will increment. When the upper bar reaches maximum you will get 1 XP
por Buzzy Cnayl

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  • Mia De Pascuale
  • Autor del tema
  • Gracias recibidas: 0

Respuesta de Mia De Pascuale sobre el tema Experience points

Posted 15 Dic 2023 20:59 #2692
The upper bar has not moved and the bottom bar has filled up 4 times now.  What do you recommend I should do?
por Mia De Pascuale

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  • Krellis Strom
  • Gracias recibidas: 2

Respuesta de Krellis Strom sobre el tema Experience points

Posted 23 Dic 2023 03:11 #2693
I just noticed that today. In the past two weeks my XP number didn't budge. Then today my region was moved into a different grid, and the bar started progressing. Once it topped off I saw that I gained the point here on the website, but the XP number on the hud was the same. I detached the hud, reattached, clicked and selected Account, My XP. At that point the hud updated.
Hope that works for you.
por Krellis Strom

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