Pregunta baby

  • Elke Craig
  • Autor del tema
  • Gracias recibidas: 7

baby Publicado por Elke Craig

Posted 21 Oct 2020 01:06 #1085
hello we got the beta baby but I am so confused on how to feed it or change it or even put it in a crib or anything like that was wondering if there are more instructions than the notecard that came with it.
por Elke Craig

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  • Mak Attack Lord
  • Gracias recibidas: 13

Respuesta de Mak Attack Lord sobre el tema baby

Posted 21 Oct 2020 11:56 #1086
u touch the baby then hit use. itll give a menu of the things it can use.
por Mak Attack Lord

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  • Elke Craig
  • Autor del tema
  • Gracias recibidas: 7

Respuesta de Elke Craig sobre el tema baby

Posted 21 Oct 2020 20:33 #1087
i tryed that and it tells me nothing near by even when I have the bottle rezzed and the cribs and other things I got from the store where I got the baby from
por Elke Craig

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  • Admin
  • Gracias recibidas: 258

Respuesta de Admin sobre el tema baby

Posted 21 Oct 2020 20:43 #1088
At the moment as most of the items in the baby stores were made using older scripts they don't yet work properly with the development baby. If you just use the items in the package at the front of the store in Blossom, it will give you a baby carrier, the baby and a baby bag. You wear all three and then you can get milk, juice etc from the baby bag and the baby will be able to use those.
por Admin

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  • Elke Craig
  • Autor del tema
  • Gracias recibidas: 7

Respuesta de Elke Craig sobre el tema baby

Posted 21 Oct 2020 22:24 #1089
oh ok thank you so much i will do that.
por Elke Craig

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  • Hope Fading
  • Gracias recibidas: 9

Respuesta de Hope Fading sobre el tema baby

Posted 22 Oct 2020 01:23 #1090
to feed or change the baby, you need to get item from the baby bag, milk, banana pudding, diaper
just let it hang in the air near you and the baby
then click on baby and click USE from there choose what you want to do
milk, diaper, etc
por Hope Fading
El siguiente usuario dijo gracias: Elke Craig

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