Pregunta Excess XP due to an excess of food?...

  • Louis Quatorze
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Respuesta de Louis Quatorze sobre el tema Excess XP due to an excess of food?...

Posted 27 Jul 2021 14:34 #1521
@crash button
I dont seem to have spoken to you! I was talking about cheaters, you felt targeted, then?
Sure be online all the time is possible! but.... you dont forget anything?

por Louis Quatorze

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  • Admin
  • Gracias recibidas: 258

Respuesta de Admin sobre el tema Excess XP due to an excess of food?...

Posted 31 Jul 2021 09:09 #1537
I feel I should point out that XP isn't really intended to be a competition amongst everyone, but more an indication of how much experience you have in using the farm system. This assumes the more you wear the HUD the more you learn. At some point I do plan to look at adding more 'challenges' where people can try tasks to achieve medals etc. There are no 'rules' and so really no one could be said to be 'cheating'
Last Edit:31 Jul 2021 09:10 por Admin
Última Edición: 31 Jul 2021 09:10 por Admin.

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  • Louis Quatorze
  • Autor del tema
  • Gracias recibidas: 30

Respuesta de Louis Quatorze sobre el tema Excess XP due to an excess of food?...

Posted 31 Jul 2021 09:57 #1538
Hello Cnayl

In first welcome back!
So difficult to not be a competition if there is a ranking! Add or modify something  to eat when afk  is cheat! But is just my opnion..
We never see a farmer works all the day without sleeping
Very disappointed

Last Edit:31 Jul 2021 09:59 por Louis Quatorze
Última Edición: 31 Jul 2021 09:59 por Louis Quatorze.

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  • Crash Button
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Respuesta de Crash Button sobre el tema Excess XP due to an excess of food?...

Posted 31 Jul 2021 11:50 #1541

 At some point I do plan to look at adding more 'challenges' where people can try tasks to achieve medals etc. 
That's indeed a great idea, Cnayl. Maybe some achievements based on planting/harvesting a certain produce, make a certain activity a number of times aso. If you maybe start another topic I can jump in with some ideas, I do have plenty of them :)
por Crash Button

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