How do I close my account?


Please be aware that deleting your account will delete everything associated with your virtual presence, including your items such as XP, Vivo's, stored stock items etc. Once done, it can not be undone.  See below for other options you may also wish to consider.

Change name

You can change the name others on the website will see. Select the Profile menu then Edit Profile then from the Account tab you can edit the Display name

Note: This does not change your OpenSim avatar name. We suggest setting your website name to the same as your avatar, however you can have a different name here if you wish.

Linking a different avatar

Your VivoSim account can be linked to one OpenSim avatar (from any grid). If you wish to change the avatar that is linked, you can do this from the edit profile page on this website (Profile menu, then Edit Profile)

Put account on hold

If you wish to keep your account but wish it to be disabled for any reason, please contact us, and we will disable it for you until such time as you are reading to come back to VivoSim.

Delete account

We will be sad to see you go, but we understand you may wish to delete your account. Doing so will delete all data that is stored on the VivoSim website and servers, so please be sure this is your intent.

To delete your account, from the Profile menu, select Delete Account.  You will get one final reminder/caution about the consequences of deleting your account. Selecting the delete button will send an email containing a confirmation code to be entered onto the website. Once you do this it will remove the account, data, inventory etc.

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