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Question cheating

  • Tobiaz Menges
  • Auteur du sujet
  • Remerciements reçus 5

cheating a été créé par Tobiaz Menges

Posted 02 Juil 2020 07:48 #425
theres no way to make hundreds of pizzas each hour and sell them. yet a few ppl manage to do this. the past few days i was selling hours per day but now i used up my reserves and just sell what i make daily. so wheres the trick on making 50000 points in one day if u are not cheating. no names mentioned but clearly visible.
par Tobiaz Menges
Les utilisateur(s) suivant ont remercié: Louis Quatorze, Madame Maintenon

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  • Admin
  • Remerciements reçus 259

Réponse de Admin sur le sujet cheating

Posted 02 Juil 2020 09:14 #426
I guess it may be they have made a pizza storage unit and made lots of pizzas over many days, then sold them that way. That said it does seem to be more like mass-production than farming. Not sure if it is a bug in the system - will look into it.

Just to add though, that at the moment there is nothing to stop or even define what 'cheating' is - I was even thinking of adding some information on various ways to 'cheat' to the documentation as different people play in different ways. Part of the changes in the new release do open up the potential to add ways to make 'cheating' not an option but I will be taking in the views of everyone before I go in that direction.

What I will probably do though for the next season is to set the maximum score just a bit above the top award and then add other challenges.
par Admin
Les utilisateur(s) suivant ont remercié: Shadows Myst, Tobiaz Menges, Louis Quatorze, Madame Maintenon

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  • Tobiaz Menges
  • Auteur du sujet
  • Remerciements reçus 5

Réponse de Tobiaz Menges sur le sujet cheating

Posted 02 Juil 2020 16:40 #431
well theres always a way to cheat if u want to and know a bit programming. i think its silly because no one has any advantages of cheating and the game is all free anyways. too bad some ppl have to show their "superiority" among friends. were all just here to have fun and a good time!
so Lysa Schnyder, stop it or ill show you how fast i can get a million points!
Last Edit:02 Juil 2020 16:45 par Tobiaz Menges
Dernière édition: 02 Juil 2020 16:45 par Tobiaz Menges.
Les utilisateur(s) suivant ont remercié: Louis Quatorze

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  • Shadows Myst
  • Remerciements reçus 9

Réponse de Shadows Myst sur le sujet cheating

Posted 02 Juil 2020 16:53 #432
Can't understand why some would do that for points or whatever it is...I have a cheat...but i use it only for me..not for selling to others or even giving away to others...its for me to use when i am not near any food and dont want to have to go back home to eat or potty...I carry my food with me in a packback or picnic basket and use it when i need it...i always forget about the provisions in the hud(needs to remember) do set my storage for a start out amount...but when the gardens start putting out I change them back to normal ...but out and out cheating on a scale like that or any scale to earn money or points is not right...that is greed...lots would say what i do is wrong...but at least i change it all back once the animals, gardens and other stuff starts giving us the things we the beginning we didnt know to put out the gardens before the before using the food hud...but now that we know...thats what you put out the gardens...wait for them to start producing so you can feed the animals and yourself...then you put out the animals when you have enough stored....then you feed yourself and the starting out slow is what it is all about...the only way other than cheating on 50k items would be to have a whole region of nothing but what he/she is cheating with...and lots of npc's doing the and a whole bunch of or two regions or,with the new releases coming out...we will wipe the old out...everything and i mean everything and start new...but this time at least we know what to do and how to start it good luck out there and just have fun and not make this a greed type of thing for points or money...
par Shadows Myst
Les utilisateur(s) suivant ont remercié: Tobiaz Menges, Hope Fading

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  • Tobiaz Menges
  • Auteur du sujet
  • Remerciements reçus 5

Réponse de Tobiaz Menges sur le sujet cheating

Posted 02 Juil 2020 17:14 #433
i agree with u fully, shadow. if Lysa Schnyder or others continue cheating i will post a script that he/she/they are likely using or similar.
@Cnayl Rainbow im not here to harm anyone and i think ur site is great. ill work on a workaround when i have time but im fairly busy at the moment. nothing is really secure but i can show u ur leaks and at least make it tougher for ppl that think they have to cheat.
keep up the good work!
par Tobiaz Menges
Les utilisateur(s) suivant ont remercié: Shadows Myst, Hope Fading

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  • Admin
  • Remerciements reçus 259

Réponse de Admin sur le sujet cheating

Posted 02 Juil 2020 17:23 #434
Thanks all for feedback so far. Just to repeat, I haven't yet worked out if people are "cheating" or there was an issue in moving from the previous Exchange to the new one.

I'm thinking of changing it to a monthly challenge with a cut-off if you hit the maximum score, so then people may be less inclined to look for ways to get big scores. Also, I'm working on adding other challenges for people to try and also some form of trading system perhaps.

As has been pointed out, this system is all free and there are no particular benefits to using ways to get big scores - I added a new medal a while back and will also be looking at adding more of those also before long (just want to catch my breath and also get the documentation up to date for what we have now :) )
par Admin
Les utilisateur(s) suivant ont remercié: Shadows Myst, Tobiaz Menges, Hope Fading, Louis Quatorze, Madame Maintenon

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