Question HUD Thirst Indicator Isn't Working

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HUD Thirst Indicator Isn't Working a été créé par a Guest

Posted 04 Nov 2022 14:07 #2194
I have tried slaking thirst via well & sf sink, and nothing lowers the indicator. Have tried this several times, in the last week or so. The other indicators seem to work, fine. When thirst gets too high, I have to reset the HUD to bring it down.
par a Guest

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  • Buzzy Cnayl
  • Remerciements reçus 47

Réponse de Buzzy Cnayl sur le sujet HUD Thirst Indicator Isn't Working

Posted 09 Nov 2022 20:19 #2216
If you are drinking water, it has to be from the water bottles not buckets. The water from the sink should work. Have you tried the sink in the Mintor Café to see if that works?
par Buzzy Cnayl

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