Idée Electric Tools

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Electric Tools a été créé par a Guest

Posted 29 Mai 2020 22:16 #268
It would be really great to get up with the times by having an electric mill! Perhaps a big one like they have at modern-day farms that could process higher volumes (like take in 10 grain and produce 10 flour that takes a longer time to complete) and then a smaller, kitchen sized one to make them one at a time?

Also, perhaps, a "boost" to the Fridge Storage that would keep your food longer if you power it with electricity.
par a Guest

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  • Admin
  • Remerciements reçus 259

Réponse de Admin sur le sujet Electric Tools

Posted 30 Mai 2020 08:06 #269
Thanks for the suggestion. I have been thinking about ways to improve the fridge, for instance in real life you can use a bit of something then put the rest back in the fridge so it annoys me to have to leave fresh part used food around!

There is definitely a mix between those wanting more 'traditional' and those wanting more modern items but certanly will put electric mill on the 'investigating' list :)
par Admin

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  • Brinley Taliesin
  • Remerciements reçus 30

Réponse de Brinley Taliesin sur le sujet Electric Tools

Posted 30 Mai 2020 10:34 #271
An option to have the fridge powered and constantly drawing a small amount of electricity would be cool too.
par Brinley Taliesin
Les utilisateur(s) suivant ont remercié: Louis Quatorze

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