Question What to do with mine products ?
- Madame Maintenon
Auteur du sujet
- Remerciements reçus 18
I have a very productive mine what give me beautiful gems but i dont know what to do with them, only to sell them.
Is possible in a future to do jewells with them ?
They are lovely and the sounds give me peace, hahahahahaha
Is possible in a future to do jewells with them ?
They are lovely and the sounds give me peace, hahahahahaha
Last Edit:05 Jul 2020 14:23
par Madame Maintenon
Dernière édition: 05 Jul 2020 14:23 par Admin.
Les utilisateur(s) suivant ont remercié: Louis Quatorze
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- Admin
- Remerciements reçus 259
Yes they are very much a 'work in progress' - you can use them for lighting and a bit of decoration but yes, some more uses for them (and some of the mined items) is now on the 'to do' list

par Admin
Les utilisateur(s) suivant ont remercié: Louis Quatorze, Madame Maintenon
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- Brinley Taliesin
- Remerciements reçus 30
Réponse de Brinley Taliesin sur le sujet What to do with mine products ?
Posted 06 Jul 2020 17:33 #456
Yes even though the gems aren't used yet they look nice. I have a huge cavern filled with them and an NPC miner that I made goes around the cave with his pickaxe. People always remark how pretty it looks. Also, there are uses for the minerals that are extracted by the SF Mines. Feldspar, Aluminum and Clay are used to make Glaze for pottery on the vat. And of course clay is used on the potters wheel too. Iron ore is used on the smithy to make nails and the razor. Also all the mined minerals can be used to feed the pet rocks!

par Brinley Taliesin
Les utilisateur(s) suivant ont remercié: Madame Maintenon
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- Madame Maintenon
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- Remerciements reçus 18
Réponse de Madame Maintenon sur le sujet What to do with mine products ?
Posted 06 Jul 2020 19:32 #457
True, but to do jewels was une idea about gems. Oh nice, to have a npc !
Where can get a npc miner, please ?
My nine is really nice too
Where can get a npc miner, please ?
My nine is really nice too
par Madame Maintenon
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- Brinley Taliesin
- Remerciements reçus 30
Réponse de Brinley Taliesin sur le sujet What to do with mine products ?
Posted 06 Jul 2020 21:03 #459
I made one with the ActiveNPC kit, it doesn't actually do anything relating to the farm/mine, I just have it sit on things I made with AVsitter that have mining animations and it goes to work hahah. I do the think the regular SatyrNPCfarmer can check the water and harvest gems though if you add them to the config card.
Last Edit:06 Jul 2020 21:03
par Brinley Taliesin
Dernière édition: 06 Jul 2020 21:03 par Brinley Taliesin.
Les utilisateur(s) suivant ont remercié: Louis Quatorze, Madame Maintenon
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- Madame Maintenon
Auteur du sujet
- Remerciements reçus 18
Réponse de Madame Maintenon sur le sujet What to do with mine products ?
Posted 07 Jul 2020 17:33 #472
I hope what dont ask for hollidays !
I hope what dont ask for hollidays !
par Madame Maintenon
Les utilisateur(s) suivant ont remercié: Louis Quatorze
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