Question More productive fields

  • a Guest
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More productive fields a été créé par a Guest

Posted 29 Sep 2020 14:28 #907
Currently each field yields 1 bucket of it's planted product, what would be the difficulty of a field that would yield say 5 or even 10 buckets making the need for so many fields unnecessary. Say a field that would match the size of 2 or 3 square fields but produce say 10 buckets of corn. That may not be's just a thought. Some of the role playing "farm" regions also need residential space. Fewer fields would allow for that, for where they would need 10 fields they would need only 1 leaving room for homes and such for their role playing. Again...just a thought.
par a Guest

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  • Brinley Taliesin
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Réponse de Brinley Taliesin sur le sujet More productive fields

Posted 29 Sep 2020 15:49 #909
An easier option would be to edit recipes. Instead of a recipe using one full harvest, change it to use 25% or whatever you wish, then you can grow and use less :)
par Brinley Taliesin

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  • Admin
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Réponse de Admin sur le sujet More productive fields

Posted 29 Sep 2020 17:24 #911
Possibly an even easier solution would be to make a 'super crop' e.g. rez the SF Corn item, copy it so you have say four of them, then shift click to select all four and then take that into your inventory. You can now replace the SF Corn in the field with this one. When harvested you will get four lots of corn in one go. The only thing to be aware of is it takes a few seconds after rezzing until all four items are initialised (showing the float text)
Last Edit:29 Sep 2020 17:24 par Admin
Pièces jointes :
Dernière édition: 29 Sep 2020 17:24 par Admin.
Les utilisateur(s) suivant ont remercié: a Guest, Mak Attack Lord

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Réponse de a Guest sur le sujet More productive fields

Posted 01 Oct 2020 01:27 #923
Excellent thank you.
par a Guest

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  • jeremy westfall
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Réponse de jeremy westfall sur le sujet More productive fields

Posted 28 Oct 2020 22:06 #1145
there is one problem i found ,npc only take one to storage
par jeremy westfall

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  • Admin
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Réponse de Admin sur le sujet More productive fields

Posted 29 Oct 2020 06:26 #1147
At the moment the NPC farmers are only designed to assist you, so are limited in what they do and, for instance, can't detect any crops that are already out. It only knows they must be there when it does a harvest. I have on my 'projects' list to look at ways to make the farmers do more stuff so will add this.
par Admin

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