Idée HUD Version 6.01
- Buzzy Cnayl
Auteur du sujet
- Remerciements reçus 49
If you picked up the 6.00 HUD, please now go and grab the updated one which is Version 6.01
Sorry for any inconvenience.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
Last Edit:26 Mar 2023 16:57
par Buzzy Cnayl
Dernière édition: 26 Mar 2023 16:57 par Buzzy Cnayl.
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- Bongmaster
- Remerciements reçus 2
still getting that error, even after resets. its happening when i use Water,
YEngine: Division by Zero (script: hud-main event: dataserver primID: d3500605-3f59-4677-aa33-5b4cdf4cf3c6 at: <286,251,118>) Script must be Reset to re-enable.
now the hud freezes and i have to reset scripts to get it to work again
YEngine: Division by Zero (script: hud-main event: dataserver primID: d3500605-3f59-4677-aa33-5b4cdf4cf3c6 at: <286,251,118>) Script must be Reset to re-enable.
now the hud freezes and i have to reset scripts to get it to work again
par Bongmaster
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- Bongmaster
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after some quik testing, it seems to be related to drink. if i try to use or store water, and so far applejuice i got from the exchange (new version) they both kicked out the same error and froze the hud. food is fine. i have no tried any of the other provision types yet. will try them and report.
par Bongmaster
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- Bongmaster
- Remerciements reçus 2
After testing the rest, Booze also breaks with same error. the rest are fine. so to round off, Drink and Booze seem to be the issue, both using it, and storing it. i cannot test the drinking from provisions since its empty and i cannot store any due to the hud crash.
par Bongmaster
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- Gary R
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6.01 is working for me now and registering EXP, but the loo intervals require a trip every 15 minutes, and the eating/drinking intervals seem a bit short as well. A trip to the loo every 15 minutes is going to go through a *lot* of loo rolls.....

par Gary R
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- Buzzy Cnayl
Auteur du sujet
- Remerciements reçus 49
Sounds like the 'eat interval'may have got set to a very low number. Anyway there is an updated version (6.02) which, fingers crossed, fixes things!
par Buzzy Cnayl
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