Question salt maling in dryer on 3x3
- Chelsea Himmel
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I have 6 dryers of salt on a my 3x3 for 3 days and they only go to 14 percent, have 3 on a single sim that is at 98 percent after 1 day. any idea why i cant make salt in dryers on the 3x3?
par Chelsea Himmel
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- Buzzy Cnayl
- Remerciements reçus 49
If the region restarts it will cause any 'machine' to stop. Normally that's not a problem as most recipes are short, but that is likely what your issue is since dryers take a long time.
I was about to release an updated dryer that supports 'tasks;, but will look at seeing if I can also fix that issue as well.
I was about to release an updated dryer that supports 'tasks;, but will look at seeing if I can also fix that issue as well.
par Buzzy Cnayl
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- Chelsea Himmel
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dont think that to be the issue. my 3x3 is on same server as the single sim. the single sim produces salt in on day and 3x3 hangs at 13 t0 15 percent 3 days. region has not restarted that i know of. This has been a long time issue om 3x3 so stopped making salt that way.. completed the 4 salt on the single sim but no points gained.
par Chelsea Himmel
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- Buzzy Cnayl
- Remerciements reçus 49
Ah okay. I had this problem reported by someone else and that was their issue hence my suggestion. Do you know if both sims are using the same script and physics engines (xengine/yengine, uBode/Bulletsim etc) You can use the OSSL tester (from the Mintor store) to get that info if not sure.
Last Edit:11 Mai 2023 12:07
par Buzzy Cnayl
Dernière édition: 11 Mai 2023 12:07 par Buzzy Cnayl.
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- Chelsea Himmel
Auteur du sujet
- Remerciements reçus 1
cript engine is XEngine
Physics engine is BulletSim 1.0
Sim version:
OpenSim Yeti Dev OSgrid Yeti Dev b598573f41: 2020-05-22 16:55:20 +0100 (Unix/Mono)
Physics engine is BulletSim 1.0
Sim version:
OpenSim Yeti Dev OSgrid Yeti Dev b598573f41: 2020-05-22 16:55:20 +0100 (Unix/Mono)
par Chelsea Himmel
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- Buzzy Cnayl
- Remerciements reçus 49
Is that the same on both the single and the three by three?
par Buzzy Cnayl
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