Domanda HUD Version 6.03

  • Buzzy Cnayl
  • Autore della discussione
  • Ringraziamenti ricevuti 47

HUD Version 6.03 è stato creato da Buzzy Cnayl

Posted 02/04/2023 20:03 #2386
This should really, really, now fix things but please do keep letting me know if anything still is an issue.   

Fixes to metabolisim

Slight layout redesisgn including adding Mood indicator ready for things to come

Added some new options to config notecard:
  • SHOW_NUMS      
      ; If set to 1, this shows approx percentage numbers on the main HUD face.
      ; This allows you to choose between the existing way that the float text above you changes colour with your health, or switching it to always be one fixed colour
      ; This replaces the previous EAT_INTERVAL.  You now just set tthe rate to L (low), M (medium) or H (high)  High will have you eating, drinking etc the fastest
da Buzzy Cnayl
I seguenti utenti hanno detto grazie : Savannah Joy, April McKenna
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  • Savannah Joy
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Risposta da Savannah Joy al topic HUD Version 6.03

Posted 03/04/2023 09:26 #2390
OH TY BUZZY! I'm on my way down to Mintor to get this updated HUD!

Thank You So Much!

Passion! ;)
da Savannah Joy
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  • April McKenna
  • Ringraziamenti ricevuti 3

Risposta da April McKenna al topic HUD Version 6.03

Posted 03/04/2023 10:05 #2391
As I am going from region to region constantly, I need to know whether to detach and reattach the hud every time I tp somewhere.

Thanks Buzzy
da April McKenna
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  • Buzzy Cnayl
  • Autore della discussione
  • Ringraziamenti ricevuti 47

Risposta da Buzzy Cnayl al topic HUD Version 6.03

Posted 03/04/2023 10:48 #2392
If you go from one grid to a different one, the general advice is to always detatch any scripted items and also to keep them in your 'suitcase'. I beleive the OpenSim development team are working on improving that though, fingers crossed!
If you are going from one region to another on the same grid, and you know you have sufficient ossl permissions on both, then no need to detatch.
da Buzzy Cnayl
I seguenti utenti hanno detto grazie : April McKenna
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  • Savannah Joy
  • Ringraziamenti ricevuti 0

Risposta da Savannah Joy al topic HUD Version 6.03

Posted 04/04/2023 20:09 #2402
Do you have an idea when the points will start working? I've had the hud on for a few hours now and am not seeing anything moving up . . .

Thank You! ;)

Passion! ;)
da Savannah Joy
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  • April McKenna
  • Ringraziamenti ricevuti 3

Risposta da April McKenna al topic HUD Version 6.03

Posted 06/04/2023 09:16 #2403
Seems my points went from 14 .. to 14

Waiting for it to change, but it doesn't look like it will.

*Edited to say .. I have been testing the SF Baby and I wonder if this has anything to do with the points not advancing / moving up in the data base.
Last Edit:06/04/2023 11:03 da April McKenna
Ultima Modifica 06/04/2023 11:03 da April McKenna. Motivo: Added more information
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