Domanda single storage barrels

  • Elke Craig
  • Autore della discussione
  • Ringraziamenti ricevuti 7

single storage barrels è stato creato da Elke Craig

Posted 10/09/2020 22:00 #663
i was wondering if anyone can tell me how to make single storage barrels i have tried and it is not working out well
da Elke Craig

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  • Brinley Taliesin
  • Ringraziamenti ricevuti 30

Risposta da Brinley Taliesin al topic single storage barrels

Posted 11/09/2020 00:48 #665
Cnayl gave an excellent example for how to do this in this post: Storage example
Start where it says Barrel. The examples use Corn, but you can use anything you want to put in it, even cooked foods/drinks. The name of your storage is not important unless you plan to use it for auto-feeding animals, or for the NPC farmers to use as storage.
Last Edit:11/09/2020 00:50 da Brinley Taliesin
Ultima Modifica 11/09/2020 00:50 da Brinley Taliesin.
I seguenti utenti hanno detto grazie : Elke Craig

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  • Elke Craig
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Risposta da Elke Craig al topic single storage barrels

Posted 11/09/2020 02:31 #667
I have tried that and i keep getting an error message or i can put something in but cant get it back out.
da Elke Craig

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  • Brinley Taliesin
  • Ringraziamenti ricevuti 30

Risposta da Brinley Taliesin al topic single storage barrels

Posted 11/09/2020 02:39 #668
What error message does it give? Is the SF item that you are placing inside your new storage taken from inside one of the other storage bins or one that was rezzed out from another storage bin?
da Brinley Taliesin

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  • Admin
  • Ringraziamenti ricevuti 259

Risposta da Admin al topic single storage barrels

Posted 11/09/2020 07:18 #669
My plan is to focus on putting all the documentation together next week and it will include information on making things etc I may even do a few more videos!
da Admin

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