Domanda Quintonia for my Grid (Drei Monde Grid)

  • Sarm
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Quintonia for my Grid (Drei Monde Grid) è stato creato da Sarm

Posted 31/10/2020 22:27 #1157
First of all, I would like to express my thanks and respect for the work on Quintonia! I like that Quintonia is also german.

I come form Grid "Drei Monde Grid" and i use SatyrFarm with a lot of my products for the roleplay. Today ii have more time to look Quintonia, and i whas happy to see it also german. Thats what i need, but i have many Questions, and my english is not better as googletranslater B)

I hope i can all my "gorean products" connect with Quintonia.
I need (an have in german) Boskmilch (Boskmilk), Satarna, Katch,Tharlarionoel and mutch more, what i need for my roleplay.
Can i creating new Farm Items and will it work with Quintonia? Or can i give you new Items an you will put it into the system?

Can i make here a Page about my Grid and Farming?

A lot of questions for the first day :unsure: I know.

best greets from Sarm
da Sarm

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  • Admin
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Risposta da Admin al topic Quintonia for my Grid (Drei Monde Grid)

Posted 01/11/2020 10:58 #1163
Welcome to Quintonia! I only speak English so use Google translator a lot for all the translations! Please do make a page - they are perfect for sharing news, information and so on about your grid/region/farm etc!

For new products, the farm system is designed for people to add and modify as they wish and you are more than welcome to make things. Also I am happy to take things if you prefer. Some people are great with making objects but not so good with scripts and so on so it's always good to share. I do have a place on Aquino region ( in the workshop area where people can leave stuff for me to look at.

I'm also in the process of starting to put together more items that are good for themes such as Gorean, medieval etc but always happy to get items others have made!
da Admin

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  • Louis Quatorze
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Risposta da Louis Quatorze al topic Quintonia for my Grid (Drei Monde Grid)

Posted 01/11/2020 11:15 #1164
Hello Sam!

In first welcome to fabulous world of Quintonia!
Well, just to say I have no idea what are all products boskmilk, sartana, katch etc! Very curious to see!! :)
da Louis Quatorze

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  • Sarm
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Risposta da Sarm al topic Quintonia for my Grid (Drei Monde Grid)

Posted 04/11/2020 07:20 #1172
in this time i work in my Grid. I wil make a here Page about Drei Monde Grid soon.I look hopeful forward to working with you, :cheer:
da Sarm

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  • Sarm
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Risposta da Sarm al topic Quintonia for my Grid (Drei Monde Grid)

Posted 04/11/2020 07:56 #1174

Louis Quatorze ha scritto: Well, just to say I have no idea what are all products boskmilk, sartana, katch etc! Very curious to see!! :)

There i can help you B)
  • boskmilk ist milk from a Bosk, Bosk are similar wild bison
    Satarna is natural grains
    Katch is foliated leaf vegetable or salad

da Sarm

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