Domanda Hud - Eating

  • Chelsea Himmel
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  • Ringraziamenti ricevuti 1

Hud - Eating è stato creato da Chelsea Himmel

Posted 13/05/2023 14:13 #2510
It seems the Hud is still having issues with eat gives message no enough  to eat but there is food to eat.  Melania Twain having same issue and picked up a new hud. reset it but no help btw does a reset effect points in progress.
Last Edit:13/05/2023 14:15 da Chelsea Himmel
Ultima Modifica 13/05/2023 14:15 da Chelsea Himmel.

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  • Buzzy Cnayl
  • Ringraziamenti ricevuti 47

Risposta da Buzzy Cnayl al topic Hud - Eating

Posted 13/05/2023 14:17 #2511
Can you edit the HUD and in the contents open up the notecard  VDATA_VALUES
It should start with:

; Master override values

Let me know if it looks different to that.
da Buzzy Cnayl

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  • Buzzy Cnayl
  • Ringraziamenti ricevuti 47

Risposta da Buzzy Cnayl al topic Hud - Eating

Posted 13/05/2023 14:18 #2512
If you reset the scripts that won't affect points, but if you use the reset from the options menu that will, so best to do a save before doing that reset.
da Buzzy Cnayl

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  • Chelsea Himmel
  • Autore della discussione
  • Ringraziamenti ricevuti 1

Risposta da Chelsea Himmel al topic Hud - Eating

Posted 13/05/2023 17:28 #2513
; Master override values
da Chelsea Himmel

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  • Buzzy Cnayl
  • Ringraziamenti ricevuti 47

Risposta da Buzzy Cnayl al topic Hud - Eating

Posted 13/05/2023 20:51 #2514
I guessing (hoping) that after that comes lots of text with all the info?!  If you click the Inspect button on the HUD, does that also give the 'nothing found' message?

I've put a full copy of what it should contain at
Last Edit:13/05/2023 21:13 da Buzzy Cnayl
Ultima Modifica 13/05/2023 21:13 da Buzzy Cnayl.

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