Domanda Vivosim exchange Beta 6.11 selling problems

  • Bobbi Fox
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Vivosim exchange Beta 6.11 selling problems è stato creato da Bobbi Fox

Posted 26/08/2024 08:06 #2800
Hi when I try and sell something today on the beta exchange it takes the item but then says its "not in the inv" and "transaction failed try later". This has happened today with tomato sauce and rum. If I try and buy the item it rezzes it but if I try and sell it back it gives the same "Transaction failed" message. some things do work e.g i can sell milk. the standard exchange also seems to work. Anyone got any ideas or had the same problem recently?
da Bobbi Fox

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  • Bobbi Fox
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Risposta da Bobbi Fox al topic Vivosim exchange Beta 6.11 selling problems

Posted 26/08/2024 08:21 #2801
Here is a copy of the transaction log. I've done  a region restart, rezzed a new exchange reset it etc but still same problem. Wondering if its something to do with recipes
[00:56] VivoSim Exchange - BETA 6.11: Found  SF Tomato Sauce, emptying
00:56] VivoSim Exchange - BETA 6.11: Sorry, transaction failed, please try again later
[00:56] VivoSim Exchange - BETA 6.11: *** SF SF Tomato Sauce not in my Inventory***
[00:58] VivoSim Exchange - BETA 6.11: Here is your purchase of Rum.
You have been charged 175 Coins
[00:58] SF Rum: Looking for SF Barrel Store
[00:58] VivoSim Exchange - BETA 6.11: Found  SF Rum, emptying
[00:58] VivoSim Exchange - BETA 6.11: Sorry, transaction failed, please try again later
[00:58] VivoSim Exchange - BETA 6.11: *** SF SF Rum not in my Inventory***
[01:03] VivoSim Exchange - BETA 6.11: Found  SF Milk, emptying
[01:03] VivoSim Exchange - BETA 6.11: You have been credited 100 Coins
Last Edit:26/08/2024 09:55 da Bobbi Fox
Ultima Modifica 26/08/2024 09:55 da Bobbi Fox. Motivo: adding a thought :)

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  • Buzzy Cnayl
  • Ringraziamenti ricevuti 49

Risposta da Buzzy Cnayl al topic Vivosim exchange Beta 6.11 selling problems

Posted 28/08/2024 09:25 #2802
Is that the beta exchange in Mintor? I tried today and it works okay for me using those items. If so, may have been an issue with the server or something that day. Will see if I can figure out what may have happened!
Last Edit:28/08/2024 09:26 da Buzzy Cnayl
Ultima Modifica 28/08/2024 09:26 da Buzzy Cnayl.

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  • Bobbi Fox
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  • Ringraziamenti ricevuti 3

Risposta da Bobbi Fox al topic Vivosim exchange Beta 6.11 selling problems

Posted 29/08/2024 13:11 #2803
Hi Buzzy thanks for getting back It was a copy of the exchange on my farm and it all seems to be working fine again now!
Last Edit:29/08/2024 13:12 da Bobbi Fox
Ultima Modifica 29/08/2024 13:12 da Bobbi Fox.

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