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  • Basic Information

  • Skills
    Scripting, Teachinging
  • OpenSim Home (e.g.
  • About me
    Happy go lucky person, generally i enjoy farming and chatting to anyone. :) I have my farm at a different place than my OS home, but if you chat to me and are interested (notice that both places are ADULT in ratin) i'd love to give you a tour of both places. My passion is scripting, and on occasion i use that to create things for myself as well. I also create recipes for the VivoSim things, which i quite enjoy. I like it when things get immersive and have a realistic (kind of) feel to them. Not that realism takes priority over fun, but for instance i like to create realistic recipes as well including the all the needed things to make a certain dish, over creating a very beneficial dish that only needs water... I mean where is the fun in that?? If you feel like chatting at any point, please reach out! I often have this website open as well, and love to talk to friendly people!

VivoSim Grid - Stats

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GridStatus: ONLINE

Online_Now: 5

Visitors_Last_30_Days: 238

Total_Regions: 15



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