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Savannah Joy replied to the topic 'Hud on Steroids!' in the forum. 12:06, 18 Mai 2023

April McKenna wrote: So I took the hud off.

I blinked and it went crazy.  Same hud as the one I left a copy of at Mintor.

Can't eat any rezzed food as it doesn't recognise it as being nutritious.

Hygiene .. forget it, no way anyone could keep up with washing their hands every 2 seconds.

IDK what went wrong as it was one I had picked up out of the new items at Mintor when the hud I was wearing went crazy. 

This is why I am not wearing the hud right now. It's too frustrating for me to keep up with all the bugs this new vivo hud has. I know they need testers but when not so many changes are happening I am just way too busy to try and keep up with all of this. When it gets a bit more stable and will give more points out for doing other things, instead of...


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