Frage "Makers" not accepting the items for the "OK"

  • BlazinPhenix
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"Makers" not accepting the items for the "OK" wurde erstellt von BlazinPhenix

Posted 27 Juni 2024 23:43 #2764
I noticed a couple days ago that my shower wasn't working, and then the toilet, then the cooker, and basically all the "makers" they accept the soap, towel, etc but it still says missing and has depleted the % or taken the full item if 100% required. So it takes the ingredient, but doesn't recognize its been received. I've reset the makers, re-rezzed them, and tried rebuilding one with a simple recipe, all having the same issue. They accept the items, and still say Missing. All the other farm items seem to be working normally. I'm not sure what would cause the makers to just not work. There has been an upgrade on the regions/servers, but I noticed it happened before that update restart by about a day. Just wondering if anyone else is having this issue and is there some way we may be able to fix it? Mills, storage, plants, NPCs, animals, all seem to be working as usual, so only the items that "make" or craft something are affected.
LOVING this Vivo system and looking forward to contributing some ideas in the near future!
Last Edit:27 Juni 2024 23:45 von BlazinPhenix
Letzte Änderung: 27 Juni 2024 23:45 von BlazinPhenix. Begründung: spelling

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  • Bobbi Fox
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Bobbi Fox antwortete auf "Makers" not accepting the items for the "OK"

Posted 30 Juni 2024 19:36 #2765
I get this sometimes after a region restart with soap. loo rolls... half used food. drinks etc. I ve just had to throw the item away and rez a new one. Resetting the "maker" doesnt seem to work for me. Seems a bit random. I
von Bobbi Fox

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