Frage Human Baby!

  • Louis Quatorze
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Louis Quatorze antwortete auf Human Baby!

Posted 18 Okt. 2020 09:39 #1074
Make a baby is a lot of work! Be patient!!!!
von Louis Quatorze
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Madame Maintenon

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  • Shadows Myst
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Shadows Myst antwortete auf Human Baby! and Blossom store

Posted 19 Okt. 2020 07:27 #1078
Is the Blossom store closed...I tried to go there and it would not let me...Do you have the baby at your store ?
von Shadows Myst

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  • Admin
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Admin antwortete auf Human Baby!

Posted 19 Okt. 2020 07:34 #1079
It's all open but you do need to be a member of the Quintonia group to go there (make sure also it's the current Quintonia group and not the original one -the Group Key is 91776c29-b5d5-4432-a721-d57e29766174)
von Admin
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Shadows Myst

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  • Shadows Myst
  • Dank erhalten: 9

Shadows Myst antwortete auf Human Baby!

Posted 19 Okt. 2020 17:28 #1080
I will try that and see...but the group never shows up in my groups unless i am on quintonia for some reasons....
von Shadows Myst

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  • Admin
  • Dank erhalten: 258

Admin antwortete auf Human Baby!

Posted 19 Okt. 2020 18:52 #1081
It's an opensim thing - I don't think groups show unless your are in the grid that the group was made in. For the Quintonia group it's now part of OSGrid so you should see it when in any OSGrid region. Best way to get to Blossom though is just to go to Mintor or Aquino and there is a direct TP gate at both of them next to the respective shops.
von Admin

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  • Mak Attack Lord
  • Dank erhalten: 13

Mak Attack Lord antwortete auf Human Baby!

Posted 20 Okt. 2020 04:13 #1082
Long as its actived in your groups on osgrid it lets you in from your home grid. It did for me anyway.
von Mak Attack Lord

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