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I waited over a wek and have not even received even 1 point.  Why am I not accumulating any points? I am at 65 now.


I was wondering why after I reached level 65 my points have not gone up at all?

I wasn't even seeing the bar on the bottom, it was just green with no indicator showing my progress.

Today I see the indicator shows 1/2 way through the bar. Does it take 2 weeks to gain 1 point?

Thank You Kindly! ;)

Passion from AMV! ;)


Savannah Joy created a new topic ' Mintor needs restarted' in the forum. 03:21, 08 juin 2023

I went over to Mintor and I couldn't move & I only saw land and water. I manually cleared my cache and the same thing happened. So I can only come to the conclusion that the region needs restarted.

Thank You Kindly! ;)

Passion Jumanji from AMV! ;)


Savannah Joy replied to the topic 'Hud on Steroids!' in the forum. 12:06, 18 mai 2023

April McKenna wrote: So I took the hud off.

I blinked and it went crazy.  Same hud as the one I left a copy of at Mintor.

Can't eat any rezzed food as it doesn't recognise it as being nutritious.

Hygiene .. forget it, no way anyone could keep up with washing their hands every 2 seconds.

IDK what went wrong as it was one I had picked up out of the new items at Mintor when the hud I was wearing went crazy. 

This is why I am not wearing the hud right now. It's too frustrating for me to keep up with all the bugs this new vivo hud has. I know they need testers but when not so many changes are happening I am just way too busy to try and keep up with all of this. When it gets a bit more stable and will give more points out for doing other things, instead of...


When I reached level 25 my points did not go up for 2 days. I see that you have taken away 10 points which you explained here.
But what about the 2 missed days?
You mentioned a certain about of time that we get 1 point but you did not say how much time we have to wait before our points go up one point?
Is that a set amount of time when we get one point & if so how much time is that?


Savannah Joy created a new topic ' QUESTION! :(' in the forum. 16:25, 17 avril 2023

May I ask how my HUD went from 45 to 36 in less than 8 hours please?
I went to Mintor & Ludo to get my points I was at 25.
I came home after receiving the extra points and I was at 45.
Now I am at 36?


I have two questions please & TY ;)
My HUD stopped working after reaching 25 for two days.
When I came to visit Mintor & Lugo I received 10 points for each visit.
Each time we visit Mintor & Lugo like once per day will we accumulate points?
We used to get points for starting a new topic a while back . . . will that continue?
Each time we reach the top level of the...


I have been thinking about that. At the moment I'm not sure if people store wood/kWh in the provisions so I may swap those out. The main issue for me is in keeping things 'real' - you can have food and drink in a provisions box but for the other things, perhaps 'wet wipes/flannel/bucket and water ?!

LOLOLOLOL! ;)  You're a funny person Buzzy! ;)


I think the provisions is a really good way to store food & drink when we are on the go.
When we are away, our other levels also go down, like:

I was wondering if there is a way that those can be incorporated as well 
because we need those to survive too ;)
If you get to doing this it would be so greatly appreciated! ;)
Thank You Buzzy for all you are doing to make our farming...


Hiya Buzzy!

Just thought that you would like to know that Quethane needs to be added to the exchange.

Thank You Kindly!

Passion Jumanji from AMV! ;)


I started out with 5 XP . . . been doing this for 8 hours now . . . I haven't gained any EXP at all.
Are we supposed to be doing something different to gain EXP?


TY Buzzy! Yesh that would be wonderful if you added that and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take away those annoying & embarrassing farting sounds.

Thank You once again! ;)


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    Mesh, Scripting, Textures
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  • About me
    I love virtual life, every aspect of it too ;) I mostly love farming though . . . I like to keep myself busy so that is why my farm is so huge . . . boredom is my weakest point about me . . . I get into so much trouble so tend to get into things that keep my mind occupied . . . since I love EVERYTHING about this new/updated farming system there are no limits or restraints on what I can & cannot do here . . . so I'm going to be creative and soar high with that as my goal ;) Have fun & be creative! I love a challenge & am a very competitive person . . . I thoroughly enjoy farming here! Thank You for creating this farming system!
  • Location
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    United States

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