Question Mintor needs restarted

  • Savannah Joy
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Mintor needs restarted a été créé par Savannah Joy

Posted 08 Jui 2023 03:21 #2576
I went over to Mintor and I couldn't move & I only saw land and water. I manually cleared my cache and the same thing happened. So I can only come to the conclusion that the region needs restarted.

Thank You Kindly! ;)

Passion Jumanji from AMV! ;)
par Savannah Joy

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  • April McKenna
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Réponse de April McKenna sur le sujet Mintor needs restarted

Posted 08 Jui 2023 09:41 #2577
I tried to get there today too, but it only took me to vacant land and couldn't move. No buildings .. something ate Mintor O.o
par April McKenna

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  • Buzzy Cnayl
  • Remerciements reçus 55

Réponse de Buzzy Cnayl sur le sujet Mintor needs restarted

Posted 08 Jui 2023 11:43 #2578
Yes it keeps doing that unfortuanetly, I've tried a few things but will keep trying. Thanks for letting me know.
par Buzzy Cnayl

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