Question Sleeping Goats

  • Annah Gestaga
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Sleeping Goats a été créé par Annah Gestaga

Posted 21 Juil 2024 19:11 #2774
I set my newborn goats to have "sleeping" on.  They slept until i turned it off.  When i shut the option off, they were starved and dehydrated.  They immediately ate and drank everything they could, however i lost my male. My cows work fine with sleeping, they wake up, wander, etc. and go back to sleep.  The goats don't seem to have that option. Is this a glitch? 
par Annah Gestaga

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  • Buzzy Cnayl
  • Remerciements reçus 47

Réponse de Buzzy Cnayl sur le sujet Sleeping Goats

Posted 22 Juil 2024 09:26 #2777
All the animals should be using the same script, so it may be your goats are/were on an older version.  You can find the version number from the 'Info' button on the animals menu.
Last Edit:22 Juil 2024 09:27 par Buzzy Cnayl
Dernière édition: 22 Juil 2024 09:27 par Buzzy Cnayl.

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  • Annah Gestaga
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Réponse de Annah Gestaga sur le sujet Sleeping Goats

Posted 22 Juil 2024 17:07 #2779
they are version 5.9
par Annah Gestaga

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