UPDATED: March 3, 2025
I've started creating the Japanese "fields". Here is the latest list that is being worked on;
➔ Akajiso (red perilla)
➔ Hakusai (Chinese cabbage
➔ Horenso (spinach)
➔ Kayabetsu (cabbage)
➔ Komatsuna (Japanese mustard spinach)
➔ Kyuri (cucumber)
➔...UPDATED: March 3, 2025
I've started creating the Japanese "fields". Here is the latest list that is being worked on;
➔ Akajiso (red perilla)
➔ Hakusai (Chinese cabbage
➔ Horenso (spinach)
➔ Kayabetsu (cabbage)
➔ Komatsuna (Japanese mustard spinach)
➔ Kyuri (cucumber)
➔ Moyashi (mung bean sprouts)
➔ Mizuna (Japanese mustard)
➔ Naganegi (leek)
➔ Nasu (aubergine)
➔ Negi (green onion)
➔ Shiso (perilla)
➔ Kuroi torifere (Japanese black trifele tomato) -- name change to SF Tofifere
1st Planting: gyazo.com/2a6eca05ac81d5a85c327e7be1acee97
The update will come with a NC that gives the names, the changes and the uploads. I'm trying to keep it as informative as i can. I will be testing them for a month on Kaze no Sato.
(edited for spelling, gyazo and names)
March 1, 2025:
- Need to adjust textures of Kamatsuma & Mizuna
- Adjusted the config file to read the correct plants, adjusted replanting to 0
- All plants successfully planted.
March 3, 2025:
- Plants have grown to Ripe
- Received the "object" Negi correctly, but receive 3 script errors upon harvesting. ("config" file is in the small field, not in the Negi object - FIXED & Testing)
****** [18:06] Notecard 'config' could not be found.
- Kuroi torifere grew correctly, but delivered Shiso. Rename Kuroi torifere to Tofifere in the field config - RETESTING
- Naganegi delivered Mizuna and the container was sideways.
- Nasu delievered Naganegi
- Mizuna delivered Moyashi (still need to fix Mizuna-New)
- Kyuri delivered correctly, but container was sideways
- Negi delievered Nasu, container was sideways
- Komatsuna delievered correctly, but container was sideways (still need to fix Kamatsuna-New)
- Hakusai delivered correctly (yay, no changes! I got one right!!!)
- Horenso delivered correctly (yay, no changes! I got another one right!!!)
- Kayabestsu delivered correctly (yay, no changes! I got another one right!!!)
(3 out of 13 is why we test. lol)
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basically you just choose an area of the region and put down the mine(s) creating an area that is rich in resources. I hope that helps.
It's been a little bit since i posted, but there has been lots of changes as I have learn VS/SF and how to make it work. I am now streamlining my farm and updating items, adding recipes, etc. to fit the Japanese theme. The scripts remain the same (except a few tweaks here...It's been a little bit since i posted, but there has been lots of changes as I have learn VS/SF and how to make it work. I am now streamlining my farm and updating items, adding recipes, etc. to fit the Japanese theme. The scripts remain the same (except a few tweaks here and there) so they will work with the rest of the system. I will be giving away my items at the marketplace on Kaze no Sato if anyone is interested. They come recipes, ingredients, new names, etc. to fit the Japanese themes. I will be creating new crops, animals, etc as i go. I am doing testing on a few that are in creation now so they should give you any problem. Here's a couple of photos to give you an idea. Show more
I've seen this multiple items for ViviSim. This seems to be random and occurs in random items. So consider this a report.
Taken Dec 2, 2024
[10:36] SF Cow: [YEngine]: Exception while running 0912ed25-6bb7-4a04-9cd6-59f768a6a31e
[10:36] SF Cow: InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
[10:36] SF Cow: Prim: <SF Cow>, Script: <prod-rez_plugin>, Location: Kaze no Sato <96,23,20>
[10:36] SF Cow: Script must be Reset to re-enable.
[10:36] SF Cow: at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2+ValueCollection+Enumerator[TKey,TValue].MoveNext () [0x00013] in <d636f104d58046fd9b195699bcb1a744>:0
[10:36] SF Cow: at OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes.SceneObjectPartInventory.AggregateInnerPerms (System.UInt32& owner, System.UInt32& group, System.UInt32& everyone) [0x00045] in...
Krellis Strom wrote: Hi, welcome to the Vivosim family.
There are a few products that don't have specific uses yet, but may eventually be set up for use in future updates. With those you can store them or set them up to make other things. So for example the dried corn can be ground into flour in the grinder and used to make corn tortillas or cornbread.
I'm looking forward to your updates and hope to visit your sim when OSG is back online.
thanks for the info about the dried corn.
OSG is down? I'm on Gentle Fire Grid, we just haven't opened to visitors yet due to rearranging and getting things on the far ready to go. I'm also constructing a cyber/neo-Japanese city and marketplace for VivoSim, but that's not even close. The farm itself is about done though - should be ready to go next week.
Hello, i'm pretty new to VivoSim/SatyrFarm and there are a few things that I am working on to help with my sim and those who are part of the system.
1. Product Lists: I have found the product lists to be very helpful, but there are a few things that I'm not sure what to do with (like dried corn). I am slowly making an updated list of products that can be grown/made, storage, devices used and what to do with them. I am using the original lists to get information and when they are done, i will post them here.
2. I run a Japanese themed sim, Kaze no Sato and many of the things we need there do not exist in VivoSim. I will be working on non-official updates to include recipes, items/devices, etc. to offer. I know this is going to be a...
When i use the treadmill, i receive the following error:
[16:46] SF Treadmill: llTextBox: First parameter must be a valid agent key
It is still useable, still gives kWh, etc.
Not sure what the error means or how to fix it.
Basic Information
Avatar/Character design, Building -
OpenSim Home (e.g. hg.vivosim.net:8002:lugo)
gentlefire.opensim.fun:8002:Kaze no Sato -
About me
I am a builder and creator of virtual worlds. Started in Red Light, then SL and now OpenSim. Building is what I do best and i'm currently creating the Kaze no Sato project -- a Japanese style world in which we train for roles of D/s, service and more. -
Montana (Montana,US-MT,United States,us) -
United States
Chapter 13 - Develop your own items: Products - VivoSim
VivoSim, virtual life in virtual worlds