Questão Mobile Apps

  • Gary R
  • Autor do tópico
  • Obrigado recebido 2

Mobile Appsfoi criado por Gary R

Posted 08 Abr. 2023 02:01 #2410
There is a mobile viewer for Android that has in world 3d interaction, it is the old Lumiya app.

It is not on the Google Play store, and no longer updated, but it can be downloaded as an apk file and installed that way.

I use it frequently, and can do pretty much anything on the farm while logged in with it
por Gary R
Os seguintes utilizadores Agradeceram: Bongmaster, Savannah Joy

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  • Bongmaster
  • Obrigado recebido 2

Respondido por Bongmaster no tópico Mobile Apps

Posted 08 Abr. 2023 13:39 #2413
yea, also one to avoid is Mobile Grid Client, its not 3D and they demand a licence fee/subscription :x
por Bongmaster

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  • Buzzy Cnayl
  • Obrigado recebido 52

Respondido por Buzzy Cnayl no tópico Mobile Apps

Posted 08 Abr. 2023 14:38 #2415
I did used to list the Lumiya app in the 'FAQ' but took it out as it looked like the original designers had shut down. I see there are places to get it but looks like some may be a bit dodgy!
por Buzzy Cnayl

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