Questão Human Baby!
- Louis Quatorze
Autor do tópico
- Obrigado recebido 30
We found a Babies store (closed now!) I dont know if its this one!
We were very confuse because SF scripts inside!
We were very confuse because SF scripts inside!
por Louis Quatorze
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- Louis Quatorze
Autor do tópico
- Obrigado recebido 30
Just realize!
More infos today?
More infos today?
por Louis Quatorze
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- jeremy westfall
- Obrigado recebido 17
wow just got the new baby and real disappointed. sorry to say it but dont think it should come in the animal rez box for one. Ok now I am pissed ofter reading the notes the touch is just like animals you can pet the baby. what the hell that mean.
Last Edit:18 Out. 2020 06:10
por jeremy westfall
Ultima edição : 18 Out. 2020 06:10 por jeremy westfall.
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- Admin
- Obrigado recebido 259
Hello there - there project is still at a very early stage and there is a lot of items that have been made but use old SatyrFarm scripts etc so it is a bit of a mess! I have just put out a version that comes in a nice baby rezzer and has 'cuddle' rather than 'pet' on the menu! It probably won't work yet with most of the stuff in the big shop on Blossom as still need to get that all working with the current scripts.
por Admin
Os seguintes utilizadores Agradeceram: Shadows Myst, Louis Quatorze, Madame Maintenon
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- Louis Quatorze
Autor do tópico
- Obrigado recebido 30
Make a baby is a lot of work! Be patient!!!!
Make a baby is a lot of work! Be patient!!!!
por Louis Quatorze
Os seguintes utilizadores Agradeceram: Madame Maintenon
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- Shadows Myst
- Obrigado recebido 9
Is the Blossom store closed...I tried to go there and it would not let me...Do you have the baby at your store ?
por Shadows Myst
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