Questão Burlap
- a Guest
Autor do tópico
- Obrigado recebido 0
Do we have a way to make burlap bags? Perhaps on the loom? using hemp or twine. We could make and label our own products by selecting what type of product would go into the bag once it's made... "make - Burlap Bag - ingredients - twine" to make flour "grain, burlap bag" it could be automatically labeled for each product. More hands on.
Just a thought. Also burlap could be used in making clothing....table cloths, know that's what a lot of medieval people used and poor people. Little more realistic in the RP.

por a Guest
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- Admin
- Obrigado recebido 259
Interesting idea - I have been thinking of ways to make a 'universal' storage system that starts empty and allows you to add something, so will add these thoughts to that !
por Admin
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