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OK, I found something really weird, I run my own grid, and have my farm on it, so when I use in the viewer map and TP there, I can't wear anything that's in my ordinary inventory, because items in my normal inventory don't exist while TP'd on an HG region, I can only wear or rez things from 'My suitcase->Objects" which means I have to 'copy' the HUD to that location on my...


It would nice to have a global animal setter, here's one example/scenario that the setter would be useful.

A few animals, that incubate from eggs, sy, chickens, the range and home can not be set until after the eggs have hatched, so if someone rezzed say, 10 eggs,, then the default range of 10m is used, so when the eggs have hatched the chicks wonder around a 10m perimeter, but what if someone...



It seems to be working now, since I changed my password.


Marlon Wulluf has changed the cover of the page 09:11, 08 Febrero 2022

Marlon Wulluf - updated page, Marlon's Farm

Nothing is covered in the user guide about this.

The problem is, when I'm wearing the backpack and HUD, as well as the status HUD, and when it registers thirst or hungry, and I 'use' food, it only takes 1/4 of the contents at a time, so I end up with a partially empty a container, which can't be put back in the backpack or the storage, attempting this generated a warning about item not found...


I'm using the latest Chrome browser on Win10, with some security plugins that stop a lot of 'on-site' advertisements, and I checked them by disabling them completely, and I even tried it in incognito mode with no plugins, and both did the same.


Marlon Wulluf created a new topic ' Totally confused' in the forum. 04:19, 07 Febrero 2022

This isn't really a bug report, but something weird, it's something I noticed, that's very strange.

OK, either I'm in the twilight zone, or aliens abducted me and sent me forward in time, because I was just looking at some posts I made, and I came across this one:-

Which was dated 14th April 2020, so, as I said, unless I'm in...


I noticed when I get a notification email about someone replying to one of my posts, which gives the board's URL, which I click on and it takes me directly to the forum post, then from there I try to login and all I get is:-

The security token did not match. The request was aborted to prevent any security breach. Please try again.

So to log in, I have to click the 'home' button, login,...


Marlon Wulluf gets the rank: Iron Age Wonder 06:51, 06 Febrero 2022

Iron Age Wonder

I've looked in every page of the user guide and this is not in there.

I noticed on the animal menu an option to set home, and I know this is to set the animal home position anywhere, but, when initially rezzed, and the animal is rezzed centered to the rezzer, is its home auto set for the center of the rezzer, or do I need to wait until the animal has finished its initialization, then click the...


As I'm new to all these new Satyre farm upgrades, I'll be asking quite a few question that is not covered in the user instructions, such as.

The power controller when I have other devices such as the wind turbine, solar panels, each device has its name in the object name box, but the controller only sees the device's UUID and displays it on the controller instead of each device name.



Yes, that is what I have been doing, I've used to 'Edit Land' to make a selection and 'create parcels for the fields, but each field is not 1mx1m the default size for 1 section, but I managed to get a 5x6 grid inside the parcels, so when I first copy/dragged each field horizontally to create the first 6 across the top, I then highlight all of them and copy/drag them to the bottom, then highlight...


No idea what's going on here! One thing to check is in the description as the name gets saved there, so you could try editing it in there then right away do a script reset.  Shouldn't really need that doing though!    I have just put out a beta of the next version of the Exchange, so you may want to try that one (as well as farm name it also allows you to put a description!)  

That's what I...


Ok, fix one thing, break another lol.

My exchange billboard used to show my farm name, but now all it shows is a UUID, I tried resetting it in the options section and entered my farm name again, but still a UUID.


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