I'm involved with a project that is taking up ALL my time! That ends mid August, then I will switch my focus back to VivoSim. Thanks all for your patience!

Buzzy Cnayl replied to the topic 'Sleeping Goats' in the forum. 09:26, 22 July 2024

All the animals should be using the same script, so it may be your goats are/were on an older version. You can fine the version number from the 'Info' button on the animals menu.


That's odd. There should be a script (in the invisible prim over the water) If it's not there perhaps worth picking up a new one (they are in the starter kit plus you can copy one in Mintor)

For the texture, you can find that in the actual water in the 'SF Water Tower' (the one with one water barrel over the other)


Buzzy Cnayl replied to the topic 'NPC´s' in the forum. 10:10, 15 July 2024

It is part of the 'Starter kit' that you can pick up in the Mintor region (hg.vivosim.net:8003)

There is some information about it at vivosim.net/help/guides/user-guide/starter-kit


Yes, rezzed items often break after a restart.  I'm working on adding a message to let you know if the item is broken (and also on a way to stop it happening if possible!)


You can edit the config notecard as follows:



Color is the vector colour (info at wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Category:LSL_Color )
Bright is an integer between 1 and 10


Buzzy Cnayl replied to the topic 'Storage' in the forum. 10:48, 12 June 2024

At the moment, there isn't an official store for ink.


Buzzy Cnayl replied to the topic 'TARGET' in the forum. 10:28, 04 June 2024

At the moment it isn't possible to have a product attach to avatar when rezzed. If you set the target as 'avatar' then it just sends the nutrition values (as used in things like hygiene from the sink etc)

I do plan to add this feature at some point in the future though.


I have added the ability to set your country on your profile. That way people can search for others in same country if seeking help etc in your native tongue.

Buzzy Cnayl replied to the topic 'My Farm is frozen' in the forum. 10:41, 17 May 2024

1. Can I use the system with my own products?
Yes! the entire system is designed to be customised/expanded!  As long as you follow a few guidelines it's easy to customise stuff.  There is some information starting at vivosim.net/help/guides/user-guide/chapt...ur-own-items-storage

2. When i have a special produkt in my land, can you bring it in the "VivoSim Exchange" so other can Sell and nuy them ?
At the moment there is no way for users to add items to the exchange. But if you have things you would like to contribute then I'm always keen to add them. Best way is to drop off a copy in the workshop barn on Mintor.

3. The HUD - for my Grid. We have other products - for my own values for nutrition and health i use...


Buzzy Cnayl replied to the topic 'My Farm is frozen' in the forum. 08:40, 13 May 2024

Sorry to hear you are having problems. Var regions should be fine (although I have heard some really large ones can have a few issues, but we are talking 4x4 and larger)   What version of OpenSim are you using? (You can find that information from the Firestorm under Worlds menu item, then Region details then Region tab)
Also, do you have access to the OpenSim server console? If so, does it show any errors/warning messages etc?


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