good morning from germany
Whats wrong with my HUD ?
[04:01] YEngine: OSSL Permission Error: osMakeNotecard permission denied. (script: oscheck event: timer primID: 646b3f03-217a-40ea-b311-a5791d648862 at: <166,164,87> Script must be Reset to re-enable.
Buzzy Cnayl
It has to be made on the actual server so would need to be done by the grid owner.
12 months ago

so i can´t play vivo - the grid owner say no! maybe when i have a self a grid ?
12 months ago

Buzzy Cnayl
Actually I've looked into it and it actually doesn't need to use osMakeNotecard so I will take that out in next version
12 months ago

Basic Information
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OpenSim Home (e.g. hg.vivosim.net:8002:lugo)
cartabria.de:8002 -
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Ich bin Rollenspieler! -