Questão Missing Baby hud?
- a Guest
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I went to Mintor place with friend and picked up baby box and rez with items but there is no baby hud?? I have a baby and items but no baby hud where you can hold baby as animation. I'm doing this to find out cause it not for me but for my friend.
Kylie Brimmer
I went to Mintor place with friend and picked up baby box and rez with items but there is no baby hud?? I have a baby and items but no baby hud where you can hold baby as animation. I'm doing this to find out cause it not for me but for my friend.
Kylie Brimmer
Last Edit:12 maio 2022 07:13
por a Guest
Ultima edição : 12 maio 2022 07:13 por a Guest.
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- Buzzy Cnayl
- Obrigado recebido 49
If you wear the normal Quintonia HUD and then attach the baby you will find that the HUD gets a new menu item (Baby) which gives you access to all the baby-related functions. Hope that helps.
por Buzzy Cnayl
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- a Guest
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I have the latest version of the hud (v5.5), the baby hud doesn't appear, therein.
Also, the baby hud asks me to upgrade, but it doesn't want, to. Tried a couple times, using the baby rezzer. Haven't had much luck @ Mintor --at least so, far.
Also, the baby hud asks me to upgrade, but it doesn't want, to. Tried a couple times, using the baby rezzer. Haven't had much luck @ Mintor --at least so, far.
por a Guest
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- Buzzy Cnayl
- Obrigado recebido 49
The baby is using an older version of the HUD at the moment and the updater won't update it so please just ignore that message for now.
As for you HUD, do you mean that when you attach the baby, your HUD doesn't have the Baby button? Very odd if that's happening and no idea why for now! If you click directly on the baby does the HUD menu appear?
As for you HUD, do you mean that when you attach the baby, your HUD doesn't have the Baby button? Very odd if that's happening and no idea why for now! If you click directly on the baby does the HUD menu appear?
por Buzzy Cnayl
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