I have not been getting my level up points when i level up! this is the 4th time this had happened. I am still level 50. anybody else have this problem?

i am wearing the new hud and still get product updater message when i log in , wearing ver 6.06

sadly I can not get to mintor without crashing during tp

the stored food and drink were not in my hud. the backpack items are ok though.
my hud stopped storing food n drink. usualy hit provisions , then store item. it says nothing storeable in grilled fish, and orange juice jug. grateful new hud is coming out soon. also the rate we have to use the bathroom is too high. but i am very grateful for buzzy's...my hud stopped storing food n drink. usualy hit provisions , then store item. it says nothing storeable in grilled fish, and orange juice jug. grateful new hud is coming out soon. also the rate we have to use the bathroom is too high. but i am very grateful for buzzy's hard work for us! Show more

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i like your idea of converting and having it able to be traded or sold 2nd hand. you had there
once converted can not go on exchange unless there is a secondhand category is my thought on that.
i should try beta i enjoy being creative when i have teh time i am a otr truck driver
tghe right click idea not so much, it needs to change type of item i think.
in general i would like to do a//// you...
I made a pillow it looks for sf chair,i made a chair on carpentry table,,,it expires in 28 days. the pillow does not find the chair.
there are other things we make that do this as well.
I like the idea of crafting items to use for daily life so the big question is ... how do we make things we crafted to be usable?
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