Hmmm interesting...and what Opensim version do you normally use? TIA
Ok when rezzing out each item from the box you provided, the "SF Small Field" crashes the region. Tried twice and both times crashed. Only that one. Square Field, Storage etc are all good. I wouldn't worry too much about it, if it works in your version it's probably fixed, and you can't be expected to provide support for every esoteric flavor of Opensim
We just recently switched to this...
I have a friend who came to me saying when he rezzed out his platform from the newest version of Box 1 it would crash his region. It also crashed mine. To make sure he did not have a corrupt copy I went to Mintor and grabbed the latest Box 1 and Box 3, and both crash my region on rez. This is the multi-object inside each box that I am rezzing out. The objects are also all deleted from region when...
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Scripting, Textures, DJ