Can someone please tell me where the Dandelions and Hemp go once there harvested I don't see storage for them? Also the Alfafa and Barley etc I don't see storage for the pumpkins either. Thanks, I am new to the update and still figuring the new items out.

Sahara Forest And Farms
Beautiful Farm and forest. SatyrFarm Farming System. Be kind to others and enjoy your visit.no I got it in the folder I had not tried it until I got on my grid then I came and got another copy and got it again and tried it on at your store but took it off I got the error when I put it on on mine I will see about updating and see if it fixes it thanks
5.5 works perfect on your sim once I leave to go home it give me this in the scripts error code > [12:35] System.AppDomainUnloadedException: The application domain in which the thread was running has been unloaded.
Server stack trace:
at System.Threading.Thread.InternalCrossContextCallback(Context ctx, IntPtr ctxID, Int32 appDomainID, InternalCrossContextDelegate ftnToCall, Object[] args)
your hud on the wall says 5.5 update October 2022 that is what I am wearing and no menus are doing anything if there is another update somewhere let me know thanks
I am wearing 5.5 I picked it up at the store were is the updated version box in the store?
Hi I am having trouble with the hud it does not work at all I have reset the scripts all the hud does is go from sunrise to night and the meter is oraange it won't allow me to press any of the tabs nothing happens.